(As first author only)
Workshop: 2024 – “Setting-up a playback experiment” at the Second edition of the Emerging Bioacousticians Days conference. 25th to 28th of June 2024, Brest, France
Invited seminar: 2024 – Martin M. Inter-site variability in the Cape fur seal’s behavioural response to boat noise exposure. 24th of May, Prize of the best PhD of the year 2023 at the 53ème Colloque de la SFECA (French Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour), Albi, France
Invited seminar: 2024 – Martin M. A first investigation of geographical variation in Cape fur seals’ in-air vocalizations. 21st of March, Marine Mammal Science Editors’ Select Webinar Series
Invited seminar: 2024 – Martin M. Mother-pup vocal communication and individual recognition in a highly colonial pinniped species, the Cape fur seal. 20th of March, UZH Bioacoustics Community, University of Zürich, Switzerland
2023 – Martin M, Gridley T, Elwen S, Charrier I. Early onset of postnatal individual vocal recognition in a highly colonial mammal species. Emerging Bioacousticians Days, 28 – 30 June, Saint-Etienne, France
2023 – Martin M, Gridley T, Elwen S, Charrier I. Mise en place rapide de la reconnaissance vocale mère-jeune chez un mammifère très colonial. 52ème Colloque de la SFECA (French Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour), 23 – 25 May, Tours, France
Invited seminar: 2022 – Martin M. Mother-pup acoustic communication in a highly colonial pinniped species, the Cape fur seal: call stereotypy, vocal recognition and ontogeny. 13th of October, Animal Behaviour Group, Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University of Zürich, Switzerland
2022 – Martin M, Gridley T, Elwen S, Charrier I. First evidence of mutual mother-pup vocal recognition in the extremely colonial Cape fur seal. The 24th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, 1-5 August, Online conference.
2022 – Martin M, Gridley T, Elwen S, Charrier I. Le défi de la reconnaissance vocale mère-jeune en milieu très colonial : le cas de l’otarie à fourrure du Cap. 51ème Colloque de la SFECA (Société Française pour l’Etude du Comportement Animal), 31 May – 2 June, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Invited seminar: 2022 – Martin M. Acoustic communication network in the Cape fur seal: deciphering the information encoded in their vocalizations. 8th of April, University of Bologna, Cesenatico, Italy
2021 – Martin M, Gridley T, Elwen S, Charrier I. Assessment of the impact of anthropogenic airborne noise on the behaviour of Cape fur seal. The 58th Annual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society, 3-6 August, Online conference.
2021 – Martin M, Gridley T, Elwen S, Charrier I. Feel the beat: les mâles otaries à fourrure du Cap codent leur état d’excitation dans leurs barks. 50ème Colloque de la SFECA (Société Française pour l’Etude du Comportement Animal), 31 May – 1 June, Online conference.
*Award of the best oral communication
2020 – Martin M, Gridley T, Elwen S, Charrier I. The Cape fur seal: an extremely colonial social structure leading to a high individual acoustic stereotypy. The 2nd African Bioacoustics Community Conference, Stellenbosch University, 2-5 Nov, Online conference.
2020 – Martin M, Gridley T, Elwen S, Charrier I. The Cape fur seal: an extremely colonial structure leading to a high individual acoustic stereotypy. The 57th Annual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society, 28-31 July, Online conference.
2018 – Martin M, Charrier I, Saloma A, Adam O. An investigation of humpback whale mother-calf vocal signature in Sainte Marie channel breeding ground, Madagascar. The 1st African Bioacoustics Community Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 2-7 Dec